Best Questions Asked about The Knack Pack - Water Resistant Backpack

Best Questions Asked about The Knack Pack - Water Resistant Backpack

Here at Knack Bags HQ, we get a wide assortment of questions.  From “How many ceramic mugs do you think the large Knack Pack could hold?” to “My kids like to jump in water – how waterproof, exactly, is the bag?”

For you curious readers at home: You can fit approx 20 mugs in a large Knack Pack wrapped in paper.  As for being waterproof, the Knack Pack is water resistant, but it won’t protect the contents of your bag if you, say, jump into a lake.  

Waterproof backpack questions

A more common question we get goes something like, “Does the Knack Pack have a pass through to attach it to a carry on bag?”

Short answer:  No, it doesn’t.

Longer Answer:  We designed your everyday bag to expand so you don’t need your roller bag when you travel (#onebaglife).

If you still want your roller bag, some customers have slipped a 3/8" strap with side release buckle through the shoulder strap loops and secured around the  roller bag handle. With the chest harness strap tightened, the bag is secure on their rolling luggage (as pictured below). (You can leave the strap buckled to one of the shoulder strap loops or store in a pocket when not in use.)

Attaching carryon Knack Pack Backpack to roller suitcase    Attaching orange carryon backpack to roller suitcase for international and domestic travel

With the Knack Pack, you likely won’t need a carry-on suitcase.  Knack Packer, Carly, recently used only her large Knack Pack to travel to 3 cities in 13 days – and packed 10 outfits!  Watch her packing video here.

If we haven’t answered your question here, visit our FAQ!  


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