Every person has a unique approach to packing their bags for travel. Some people take their packing seriously, and some don’t. Some people are over–packers, and some are under-packers. Ultimately, there’s no right or wrong way to pack for travel, but having an awareness of your habits can help you plan better, stress less, and can set you up for a really awesome trip.
What’s your packing style?
We’d love to learn more about how our Knackpacker community approaches packing for a trip, so we can continue to build great bags that help you live your best One Bag Life. Please participate in a quick survey about your packing style at the end of this blog (and if you give us your email, we’ll automatically enter you in a contest to win a free Series 2 Medium Knack Pack). As an additional bonus, we’ll update this blog post as soon as we get the results back, so we can share what we’ve discovered.

In our travels, we’ve observed that there are four common types of packers:
The Minimalist
If you’re a minimalist packer, you’re ruthless in cutting anything that’s not completely necessary from your travel bag. You probably have a capsule wardrobe made up of neutral colors. You love lightweight, hands-free travel, because you value experience over stuff (and maybe over your own comfort). You’re probably an expert when it comes to space-saving techniques: you know about rolling vs. folding clothes, and you always use compression packing cubes and compression shoe bags to save space.
The Over Packer
We believe that over-packers are the most common type of packer; it’s so difficult to figure out what you’ll need on a trip, that you bring things ‘just in case’. You’re no stranger to sitting on top of your bag to zip it shut, and you’ve been told by the flight attendant that your bag is too big to carry onto the plane. You also tend to overestimate what you’ll be able to accomplish on the trip, and you pack accordingly.
The Planner
You’re strategic about your packing, and you make a packing list at least a week ahead of time. You also refine that list over the course of a week. You love organization, and you know exactly where every item will go in your travel backpack. You’re known to plan itineraries and book restaurants way ahead of time.
The Procrastinator
You don’t pack your bag until fifteen minutes before you need to leave for the airport, although you might have started your mental packing list ahead of time. You’ve forgotten really important stuff in the past - like your wallet or laptop charger. But you’re of the mindset that forgetting stuff isn’t the end of the world - besides the essentials, you can pick up most stuff that you forget at your destination.
Which one are you? Let us know in this 1-minute survey, and enter to win a free Knack Pack!