Olympic Hopeful and Knack Backpacks – Part 1

Large knack laptop backpack with peanut butter jars

As I talk about One Bag Life in my various travels, I come across so many people who love to share their stories about their life with Knack. Recently, I caught up with Luke Rein, a new Knackpacker and a rower training hard to represent the United States in the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympic Games.

Olympic Rowing Hopeful Luke Rein

(This picture is Luke smashing a 20 year old record at the Head of the Charles in the Men’s Club Singles event by over 17 seconds.)

When he’s not training for the Olympics, Luke is also an entrepreneur. Given his incredibly active lifestyle, he found that he needed a high energy food that was also healthy. So after practice one night, Luke and a partner started Reinberger Nut Butter (www. reinbergernb.com) “to make their favorite human fuel even better.”

Now, when Luke travels from farmers’ markets to practices to out-of-town regattas he carries his laptop, some everyday items and a bunch of one pound jars of Reinberger nut butter in his expandable Knack Pack laptop backpack.

 jars of Reinberger nut butter in an expandable Knack Pack laptop backpack

Luke told me that the more he uses his Knack Pack every day, the more he sees that Knack really helps simplify his life: “The backpack can easily expand to fit almost anything I need, but when it’s empty, it doesn’t flap around my shoulders. Knack says that their backpacks help you live a one bag life. I was impressed on how well my backpack really does deliver on that claim, adapting to fit almost anything I throw at it.”

Stay tuned. In an upcoming post, Luke will share his thoughts about his Knack Pack laptop backpack and how it helps him manage his busy life.


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