Social Distancing & Golfing: 5 Tips for a Great Game August 03, 2020Brianne Huntsmann Golf is a great sport, combining strategy and relaxation. Seeing Knackpackes talk about getting back to the golf course, we decided to write a post with tips to help you be...
Knack Team Update - Black Lives Matter July 30, 2020Brianne Huntsmann Last month, the Knack team made a commitment to be more effective allies with the #BlackLivesMatter movement through relevant education and training. One of the initiatives we undertook was training...
The Best Professional Backpack for Teachers | Update from Robert! July 23, 2020Brianne Huntsmann Early last year, we interviewed Robert Martin-Sullivan, a high school math teacher, for the One Bag Blog. Robert’s review of his Medium Knack Pack caught our attention, and we interviewed...
We're LIVE on StartEngine | Equity Crowdfunding July 20, 2020Chad Mellen Knack has teamed up with StartEngine, the largest SEC-registered crowdfunding platform today, to allow Knackpackers to invest in a brand that they know, love and use everyday.
Applying for Technical Roles During COVID-19 | Becky Knowles July 09, 2020Brianne Huntsmann The first four posts in our job search series have been applicable to many types of jobs and industries (check them out so you don’t miss any helpful information): Changes...
Calling All Black Entrepreneurs! | Black Lives Matter July 02, 2020Archetype Themes Collaborator A few weeks ago, the Knack team posted our commitment to racial equality, along with specific and measurable actions we are taking. That post is here. Mentoring Black Entrepreneurs One...